Monday 14 December 2009


While I was having breakfast with my mum at a food court in Ipoh on Sunday morning, one gentleman came and introduced himself as TK Ong. Apparently Mr Ong, who visits the Xing Fu blog, regularly recognised me and wanted to say hello.
This actually made my day as it sort of tells me that there are people out there who enjoy reading what I write and they want to know more. I have quite a number of readers to this blog and my blog on herbs, contacting me and also a few who have personally visited me at my school as they wanted to visit my school Herb Garden.
Well, I hope to be able to meet more of the people who visit my blog in future. My mum said that she noticed people staring at me sometimes when we go out to eat. I don't think it is because I look like Miss Malaysia and so I guess they must've visited my blog and recognised me.

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