Saturday 5 December 2009


My mum with her 'Crown of Thorns". The flowers are blooming profusely and is a lovely sight to behold. She has plants with red, pink and yellow flowers.
Posing with some of her plants.
My mum takes pains in collecting the empty eggshells for her plants. The neighbours' Indonesian maids also supply her with some of the eggshells. For your information, the shells break after some time and she needs to replace them.
The proud gardener in her garden.
Red coloured 'Crown of Thorns'.
Red and yellow 'Crown of Thorns'
My good friend, Haji Hasnin, has nicknamed the neighbourhood in Ipoh as "Pensioner's Haven" when he and a few of the teachers from my school visited me a few years ago. This is because many of the people living here are government servants or professional people who have retired.
The favourite pastimes of the people here are gardening and going for walks in the morning and afternoon. If you take a walk around the neighbourhood, you will find that many of the gardens are in tip-top condition with lots of flowers and plants. Actually it is a really pleasing sight to go for walks as one can see so many species of colourful flowers and plants.
My mum takes pleasure doing the gardening every morning. I guess she spends about two hours each morning working in her garden. She tells me that looking at the plants and flowers makes her very happy and contented. Well, if she is happy then I am happy too. That is why I keep buying her plants to keep her in such a state.

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