Wednesday 9 December 2009


Mention Buntong in Ipoh and most of the time people will think of Kacang Putih. For foreign visitors, kacang putih is a type of snack made famous by the Indian community in Malaysia. There is a Kacang Putih Village in Buntong where making different types of crunchy snacks is a thriving cottage industry.
Since I will be going to Singapore to see how my Aunt May is doing with her radiotherapy treatment, I decided to buy a few packets of this famous Ipoh snack for my relatives there. Actually I have quite a few relatives in Singapore, my sister Lilian, her hubby and three children, my maternal aunt, her daughter and grandson, my cousin brother, Rick, his wife and daughter, my cousing sister Lai Yin and her family. Hopefully, I don't get stopped at the customs checkpoint for bringing so many packets of kacang putih into the island republic.

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