Thursday 10 December 2009


My friend Lai Yoong was having trouble sleeping some time back and she went and consulted a medium about it. Surprisingly, the sifu (who was in a trance at that time) was able to describe to her a single trunk tree which was directly in front of her house and he said that the tree was a poison arrow which was the cause of her insomnia. The medium was not from Sitiawan and does not know her and neither had he been to her house. However he was able to describe the tree and it seems he drew a picture of it. Anyway, his advice to her was to tie a piece of red cloth round the tree to cancel out the negative effect of the poison arrow emitting from it. He said that painting a red band around the tree would be too harsh and would most probably kill the plant. Well, Lai Yoong said that after she followed the sifu's instructions, she was able to sleep peacefully.

After I heard her story, I decided to go to her house to have a look at the 'infamous' tree. According to her the tree had shed a lot of leaves since she started tying the red piece of cloth around it and lately it was looking like it was dying.
For your information, I had done a feng shui audit for her house a couple of years ago and did notice the tree which was located on a field which was more than 30 metres from her house. There was a road and drain between the house and tree. At that time the tree which was planted about four to five years ago was very healthy looking with lots of leaves and branches. I went over to the field to have a closer look at the tree and found that not only was it dying but it was tilting about 40 degrees towards her house. Actually the top of the tree was as high as the house and the ill effects of the poison arrow could have effected her slumber.

In the last picture, Lai Yoong and I are posing in front of the said tree. From the first picture, one can distinctly see the tree slicing towards the main door of the house. For your information, a tree with a single trunk would become a poison arrow aimed at the home. A poison arrow can be thought of as a negative energy projection that is directed towards your home. A poison arrow that is directed towards the front door is especially inauspicious, as the front door is considered the "Qi mouth" where positive or negative energies enter your home.
Single trunk trees that point directly towards your house or front door are examples of poison arrows that can be detrimental to health, career goals, wealth attraction and more.
Some Feng Shui masters would recommend planting a cluster of plants or plants that do not have a single tree trunk outside the main gate to counter the effect of the poison arrow. Some would recommend the use of a Pa Kua. The use of a red piece of cloth or painting a red band around the tree is another way but the downside is that the plant would eventually die off as the red piece of cloth represents fire energy. In elemental feng shui, fire would exhaust wood (the tree). From how I see it, the cure to tie the red cloth is killing the tree and in Feng Shui, trees that are dead or in poor condition will drain vital Qi from the occupants of the home. If the tree loses all the leaves and only a dead trunk is left then it would become really problematic. So my advice is to get rid of the tree.

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