Wednesday 18 November 2009


In front of the Herb Garden
Curry leaves
Jarak Pagar
It is hot and so I used my shawl as a headscarf
Inai or Henna plant
At the back of the Herb Garden
The Green House
I loved being surrounded greenery as they give me a feeling of freshness and regeneration. I guess that is why green is one of my favourite colours. When I go to school I would try to go to the Herb Garden and the Fruit Garden surrounding the library at least once a day. I go and check on the plants and see their progress. I guess I inherited this passion for plants from my mum and my late father. My mum is an avid gardener and spends hours on end in her garden and so is my Aunt Linda. When my dad was alive, he and my mum would go visit the nurseries to look at the plants. That made them very happy and contented.
I read that the Perak State government would offer land to those who wish to work the land for commercial purposes. I wonder if they would offer me a piece of land when I retire so that I could start a Herb Garden cum cafe for people to study the herbs and at the same time enjoy meals cooked from the herbs. That would make me happy and contented, not to mention keep me occupied when I retire.

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