Monday 2 November 2009


Many Feng Shui enthusiasts believe that a leaky roof, faucet and pipes in the house might lead to the draining of wealth luck for the occupants of the house, especially the breadwinner. If the leak is major, then our luck will be suppressed even more.
Another minus point of a leaky house is that the water dripping or moisture will also affect the health of the occupant.
The solution to this problem is quite easy. You either do the repairs yourself or hire a plumber to do it. Make sure that when there is a leakage, the repairs are immediately done. If the leak is left alone for too long, moss might also grow and the place might also smell weird. As a result of this, the family members occupying the house will fall ill easily. Even the business or career of the occupants will be affected. So do not delay in carrying out the repairs as ones wealth, health and wellbeing might be endangered.

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