Saturday 28 November 2009


This is one type of traditional Malay cake that I enjoy eating. Sometimes I use it as offering on the altar. It is a change from the useful Fatt Koe.

If you want to try making this the kuih seri ayu, the recipe is below:


3 eggs
250 grams sugar
240 ml santan (coconut milk)
1 tablespoon pandan essence
a few drops of green colouring
270 grams wheat flour
1 tablespoon tapioca flour (tepung ubi)
1 teaspoon ovallette
grated coconut mixed with a bit of salt and cornflour

1. Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy (you can use a mixer)
2. Add santan, ovallette, pandan essence, green colouring. Beat the mixture.
3. Heat the steamer.
4. Add a bit of cooking oil to the moulds.
5. Add a bit of the coconut mixture to the mould and press until compact.
6. Pour the mixture into the mould and steam for 15 minutes or less. Do not oversteam.

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