Friday 27 November 2009


Ways your house might be losing money
by Kathryn Weber

No matter what your circumstances, financial problems can surface from time to time. What creates real difficulty, though, is when those problems arise and they aren't addressed. This is when a small financial problem can become a large and serious one. Use the tips below to make sure that your finances aren't being drained by your house. And, if they are, these tips will tell you how to correct situation

1. Make corrections as soon as possible

A key to correcting financial drains is to correct the problem as soon as you're aware of it. That means instead of listening night after night to the toilet that runs or the sink that drip, drip, drips, you handle the problems as they occur. Interestingly, you may find that when you have a plumbing problem, you'll often have a financial setback!

2. Water in the bedroom.

Some bedrooms have a sink or partial bathroom in them. If you can see or hear water (maybe from a fountain or swimming pool?) from your bed, then you will lose serious money. If you're hearing a swimming pool or outdoor fountain running while you sleep, this could cause severe financial setbacks. Double that if you're hearing a toilet running at night. If you can see or hear water while you are in bed, do what you can to stop the water sound or block the view of water. With every drip of the faucet at night, you just might be losing $1 a drop!

3. Roof leaks cause major money problems.

One of the more serious financial drains in feng shui is roof leaks or water overhead. If you have a water heater in the attic or a leaking roof, you will be hit by an unexpected financial burden. This can be in the form of medical crisis, losing a job, etc. So, you see, it's not just an extra $100 on your electric bill. Sometimes, the leak comes after hearing some difficult financial news. Make sure that you keep your roof in top shape and that you monitor any kind of leak in the ceiling of your home and address it as soon as possible.

4. Fireplace in your wealth position.

If you have a fireplace in the southeast corner (wealth sector) of your home, you will literally burn through the money and accumulating cash will be difficult to do. If the fireplace is in the north corner (career/opportunities sector), you'll find that your career doesn't pay you nearly what it should. In both cases, it's important to "douse" the fire energy of the fireplace by placing a picture of a waterfall over the fireplace. Better still is placing actual water over the fireplace, in the form of a fountain, or even vases of flowers filled with water.

As an experiment, place a large glass vase of flowers over your fireplace for two weeks. Keep the water clear and clean and replace the flowers if they get faded. Notice whether you have any financial change.... Maybe you find $50 in a coat pocket, or you receive a refund check in the mail, or maybe you get a raise at work!

© Kathryn Weber, All rights reserved

Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui.

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