Monday, 28 September 2009


Angel, the rat catcher

Like many old ladies, my neighbour in Ipoh likes to keep all sorts of things at the back of her house. So much so that my mum and I find a rat or two coming over to our house. In our case, we have Angel, the dog, to catch the rats.

From the Feng Shui point of view, we should remove or recycle anything that is old, damaged or has not been used for at least 5 years. Like the old aunties and makciks, many of us too like to hold on to our old stuff. In our minds, it is a waste to throw or give them away as we might find a use for them one fine day.

In Feng Shui, clutter of any kind is bad. Clutter creates stagnation, mind you, ghosts are also said to be attracted to it. Worse of all clutter traps negative Qi. For your information, negative Qi or energy is defined as any energy not wanted in a specific area. Actually,Qi, by itself is considered to be neutral and adapts itself to any situation.

So what are you waiting for? Go get rid of your unwanted stuff. Sell the old newspapers and magazines to the Recycling Man or just donate them to the recycling centre. As for old clothes and other stuff, you might try selling them at the Flea Market or donate them to some charitable organisation. As for things that are too old and damaged, just throw them away.

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