Monday, 28 September 2009


The bride and groom on the wedding dais
Me giving my blessings to the newlyweds
Actually guests can sprinkle petals and water on the couple but I did not do it
Me with my former student, Fatimahwati
With the bride and bridegroom
The spread for the couple and their parents
My two 'bodyguards' (who have no kung fu skills) accompanying me to the wedding.

I attended the wedding of one of my former students, Fatimahwati, last Saturday. The wedding feast for the bride's side was held at her family home in Gopeng. The bride looked absolutely gorgeous in her wedding finery and her groom was equally stunning in his traditional attire made from songket.
Weddings are auspicious occasions and there is a lot of yang Qi generated by the happiness and love on the couple's special day. Therefore, to attend such a red occasion would add to our energy level.

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