Monday, 3 November 2008


There is a Malay proverb which goes "sudah jatuh, ditimpa tangga" which literally translates to mean having fallen from the ladder and then being hit by it. That would sum up to being given a double dose of bad luck. Right? This actually applies to my student, Mazlan.
I had taught him for two years from 2006 to 2007. He was in one of the vocational skills classes that were set up for students who did not fare well for their PMR examinations. Though he was a weak student, he was a very helpful and well-mannered student. The social economic status of his family should be classified as the hardcore poor. He lives in a village with his mum. His father abandoned them a few years back and they have not heard from him since. I was told that his elder brother and sister-in-law also left home and had also done a disappearing act. So, that leaves Mazlan and his mum to fend for themselves. What I am told was that she does odd jobs around the village. When he was in school, his teachers and I have tried to help him in whatever way we could. Now, my boy is again hit with another misfortune. If they believed in Feng Shui, I would gladly go and do an audit for Mazlan and his mum. Who knows, Feng Shui could make things smoother in life for them. After all, Feng Shui is not a religion but an environmental science.

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