Monday 13 October 2008


From young, I have been taught that doing good deeds and acts of merit will help to improve ones fortune plus help to be placed in the good books of the Powers Above.
It is my personal belief that when we carry out such charitable work, the fortune that we benefit from is not necessary in the material form. By creating grace, the true fortune that we reap would be self contentment and the ability to value the beauty of life.
By learning to be compassionate, caring, warm and kind, we will be able to add to our Mankind Luck and also Heaven Luck. At the same time, we will also be enriching the lives of our families, communities, and the world.
Celebrities who are people with a wide fan base should make use of their star power to help create awareness for worthwhile charitable causes. Instead of being reported as having extramarital trysts, drunk driving, spouse abuse, sex addiction and other wild immoral behaviour, why not do something worthy that is beneficial?
Today, I would write about Joe Chen Qiao En's attending the fundraising event for the RSPCA in Taiwan. Being a dog lover, she was moved to tears when she learnt that there were 800 small dogs being left to roam the streets (see last picture above). Joe appealed to the public to "Adopt instead of Buy, Sterilize instead of Kill". She helped to sell specially printed T-shirts for the events to raise fund for the Home for Stray Animals Foundation. Well, this "Love Angel" did her part to help raise funds for the stray animals. Joe adores animals and had appealed to her fans to make donations on for the cause in her blog.
Reference and picture source:

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