Wednesday 2 July 2008


Last Saturday, there was a motivation session for my Form Five students. We had invited the counsellor from a school in Kamunting for the session. Encik Sufian was a very effective presenter and at the end of the session he got many of my students and their parents (who were also invited fot the talk) to shed tears. Well, when Encik Sufian was giving his talk, two of his associates were selling raisins and bottled Zam Zam water outside the hall. Those present in the hall were told that 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the raisins and Zam Zam water would be channelled to charity.
Today, I would like to blog about this Zam Zam water. The holy water known as ZamZam would be one of the gifts brought back from Mecca by Hajis and Hajjahs returning home after fulfilling their religious obligations at the Holy Ka'abah. The Muslims believe that this water has healing powers as to them the water which is sourced from the Zamzam Well is divinely blessed. It is believed to satisfy both hunger and thirst, and to cure illness. Pilgrims make every effort to drink as much of this water during their pilgrimage to the holy land. The water is served to the public through coolers stationed throughout the Masjid al Haram in Mecca and the Masjid al Nabawi in Medina. Pilgrims also fill water canisters from special taps, to take home as gifts for relatives and friends, and some of them also dip their pilgrimage clothes (ihram) in the water. The ihram is then preserved to serve as burial clothes when the pilgrim dies; thus he or she will go to their graves touched by the Zamzam water.Zamzam is said to have no taste, and to remain tasteless and crystal clear even if stored for long periods
For your information, I have drunk this water three times so far. Each time it was given to me as a gift from my Muslim friends. The first time I got to taste it was from one of my Malay students whose parents went on the Haj in 1999. The next time was when my friend Tuan Haji Hasnin and his wife, Puan Hajjah Jamaliah came back from Mecca in 2003. The third time was last year during a motivation session conducted by Encik Sufian. My friend Puan Kamariah had bought a few bottles for her family and she gave me one. I made sure I drank every drop of it as this is blessed water and was given to me each time by people who wanted me to benefit from the goodness of the Zam Zam water.
To learn more about Zam Zam water, watch this video on YouTube.

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