Sunday 6 July 2008


"Affirmations are statements of acceptance that one uses to allow the manifestation of your destiny. They are powerful and positive thoughts and statements sent out to the universe. To do positive affirmations, you need to eliminate the negativity around you. You must first believe that YOU CAN manifest your destiny. It must be a positive, powerful belief not just 'maybe I'll try and see if this works".

An affirmation is a positive spoken statement which helps a person work towards reaching a goal in a positive frame of mind. It is helpful to write the affirmations down on paper. This helps to clarify the words before they are spoken, and strengthens the affirmation through the physical activity of commiting it to paper.
Thus, an action statement is a necessary physical activity to actualize change. By doing this, we bring about the manifestation of the unseen energy into our physical day-to-day world through our words and deeds.
It is then that we are able to achieve our desired results in ways we can actually see and experience in our day-to-day life. This is the physical result -- the positive changes we are seeking.

In today's Metro, T. Selva touched on the power of affirmations in his article below:

Sunday July 6, 2008
Powerful words

Reading affirmations daily transforms an individual’s self-image, motivates and gives confidence to the person to dismiss the past and move forward bravely.
CHALLENGES come daily in many forms to every individual whether they like it or not and no one can escape from such issues because they are part and parcel of life.
Some people are able to cope with the problems, a few manage them well while many go through distress when the subject become persistent and never ending.
In most cases the crises are related to children, relationship, friendship, health, happiness, money, maid and so on, which occur almost daily in our lives.
If you analyse the situations carefully, in many cases, they are unavoidable because we are exposed to various conditions from the time we wake up and until we go to sleep daily.
Many resort to various actions and techniques to remove or ease the tests but the troubles continue to recur because some of these concerns are part of our life’s system.
Sandra from Kuala Lumpur shared an enlightening story with me on how she managed to cope with her life through affirmations after her marriage failed two years ago.
“My life was shattered when my marriage broke up but I picked up the pieces and got myself together with one strong affirmation that read ‘I WILL SURVIVE’,” she said.
Sandra pasted the declaration printed in bold letters on the wall at her work place and her bedroom and reads the words whenever she gets flashbacks of her unpleasant past or when she sinks into disillusion.
Powerful words or phrases are strong affirmations that generate positive thoughts when they are read repeatedly because they programme our conscious and sub-conscious mind.
Saying things to yourself and about yourself over and over helps in achieving all that you want because they become a belief which soon turns into a reality.
Such exercise wards off negative emotions and instead develop a fresh and constructive thought pattern within the mind.
All of us have a power centre within us and to activate it is to use such commanding words.
Reading affirmations daily transforms an individual’s self-image, motivates and gives confidence to the person to dismiss the past and move forward bravely.
There are various types of affirmations and they are single word and phrase affirmations, and spoken and recorded affirmations.
For instance, single word affirmations are words like LOVE, POWER, PEACE, CONFIDENCE, SUPER, COOL, CALM and STRONG.
Taped affirmations have been found to be effective because it can be played before you begin the day or even when you are driving as the constant stress on the words keeps you on track.
By just viewing or mentally repeating the words daily allows us to programme the mind, body, and spirit to handle any situations.
The types of command that you want to use depend on the situation and its purpose. Also, try not to use more than three affirmations or it will dilute your focus.
You can also write these affirmations daily a dozen times or more on a piece of paper using red ink before you start your day, making it your personal mission statement.
Use present tense when writing them so that the words follow your command immediately and do it with faith and respect.
This is one of the best ways to start your day because by saying the chosen phrases an individual is strengthening himself or herself internally and also creating an aura of confidence.
The best time to practise affirmations are before you go to sleep and shortly after you wake up.
Creating such an invisible self-protection shield makes you feel good and prevents you from being influenced or confronted with any kind of situations because we are often faced with people who are quick to utter more negative words than positive.
If you think you require more than an affirmation, try using images to invoke your visualisation powers to achieve the desired results.
For relaxation, hang a big picture of a scenic waterfall or pleasant scenes and mentally visualise that you are part of the image.
Affirmations are also highly recommended for children as part of their art of learning skills.
I attended a seminar on Think and Study Like an “A” Star Student by Chartered Master Trainer U2 Kumar in Kuala Lumpur recently and was impressed by how the positive and supportive statements assisted students to reinforce their skills.
Children were found to be alert in their studies when they were taught the slogans and phrases which neturalised their negative influences.
All they require at their study table was constant exposure to the slogans and phrases which should be hung on the wall.
T. Selva, The Star’s Sunday Metro editor, feels that affirmations give hope and act as a guide to stay focused on the path to success and happiness.

Affirmation for studies
  • I learn quickly and remember well.

  • I study like a sponge.

  • I always find ways to improve myself.

  • Learning is fun, exciting and interesting.

  • I always plan time to do my revision every day.

  • Exam is output learning.

  • My memory is getting better and better each day.

  • I am a super reader.

  • When I have purpose, I have deeper concentration.

  • When I have a plan, I have directed concentration.

  • I appreciate and love myself more and more every day.
    I have the strength and courage to express myself.

  • I always laugh and smile a lot.

  • For things to change, I must change first.
    When I read, I use my finger to help me to focus and concentrate.

  • When I study for 25-40 minutes, I will take a short study break of 20 seconds to three minutes only and then I will continue.

  • When I use my body to sit properly, I have controlled concentration.

  • When I walk, talk, smile and more importantly think like an “A” Star student, I will begin to be like one.

  • I will do my best and if I make a mistake, I will learn from my mistake.

  • I am really special and I like who I am and I feel great about myself.

Courtesy of Art of Learning Consultancy


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