Thursday 5 June 2008


I often buy the Feng Shui and Astrology Tabloid which is a monthly publication by Pintasan Ilmu Sendirian Berhad. Previously it was only published in Chinese and it took me ages to read the articles. There were characters I did not know and had to check them up in the dictionary or to wait for my Aunt May to help me out. Lately, they have come up with the English version which makes life easier for me. The issue I bought is the second one which means I missed out on the first.

Here are some tips that I from the tabloid which I have edited to share with you:

The annual romance star 4 is situated at Northeast for the year of the Rat. The Feng Shui master, Master Hoo, suggested placing water and fresh flowers in the location. But one must bear in mind that the water must not be running water which means don't use a water fountain. Why? Master Hoo said that placing a water feature such as a fish pond, fish tank or too much water in the NE sector in 2008 might activate the bad water star resulting in lost of wealth. Therefore, one is advised to use stagnant water to activate the Annual Romance Star.
He advocated the use of blue flowers if possible but other colours are also okay provided that they do not have thorns. Basically, he suggests using colour, especially striking ones, to activate romance luck as they help to further enhance it. And yes, it is not advisable for married people to try this out. If not they might invite third party interference.
Feng Shui is all about receiving and containing qi and is beneficial to human health. If one is physically and mentally happy, the household will be happy and harmonious. Here are some tips to be healthy and attain prosperity.
1. Reduce usage of electrical devices - The human body is basically a big electrical conductor and the use of too many electrical devices may pose a great burden to it and result in loss of stamina and energy.
2. Have ample sunlight - Light represents energy. If there is insufficient sunlight entering the house during the day time this might result in the accumulation of Yin Qi. As a result the occupants of the house might easily feel tired and uncomfortable.
3. Mobility of wind - There must be a smooth flow of Qi in the residential areas. This is represented by the natural wind. Of course, one can help boost this flow by using electric fans. This can lead to a refreshing environment which acts as to stimulate the spiritual side of the human mind and to prevent illnesses related to the respiratory organs.
4. Flowering Plants - A natural mind and body cleanser - Planting flowering plants in our compound or balconies help to regulate the energy field. Form the Feng Shui perspective, this counteracts negative qi by removing the earth's magnetic qi which is deemed to be undesirable.
5. Cleanliness and Tidiness bring prosperity - Too much household decorations especially if they are untidily and messily placed will cause an unhealthy influence. It becomes an eyesore, blocks the nergy field, reduces human defence system and the stagnant qi can easily cause quarrels amongst family members. The luck of the household will also be affected by it.
The following tips are by Master Jane Hor who is a talent in Chinese metaphysics.
1. Improving relationships and romance - This year the Kan water #1 has flown into the central palace and those who are single can make use of this sector to find their life partners. She suggests placing blossom flowers, either in 1, 4 or 9 stalks, at the centre of the house or room. One is reminded to change the water everyday to ensure the freshness of the flower. If the flowers in the vase wither, replace them with new fresh flowers immediately. For those whose jobs requires a lot of public relations, they may place metallic ornaments such as a music box or a piano in this sector as it helps to activate relationship luck.
2. Getting promotion and fame - This year the Qian gold #6 is in the North water palace which means that it is a good sector to activate for career and wealth luck. Those whose main door, office or study are located in the north will benefit greatly from its presence. Master Jane says taht even if your main door is not located in this direction, one can enhance for career and wealth luck by grwoing indoor bamboo plants in a small amountof water or fresh flowers or small pots of green leafy plants in clean water here. Doing so helps to bring career opportunities and promotions.
3. Enhancing creativity and intelligence - The #4 Green that governs creative, academic and artistic talents, wisdom and intelligence resides in the Northeast direction. Master Jane advises one to make good use of this area especially if you want to enhance relationship or creativity. You can do so by placing a Chinese or Western calligraphy set or a green pagoda here. She also suggests moving your desk around this year and sit with your back to this direction. One caveat is not to use metal in this area. the colours white and silver should not be used here as well. However, if the colours are already in the northeast, one way to counter it is to introduce blue and black floor mats or cushions here.
4. Improving wealth and prestige - The #8 Star which is the governing flying star for the next sixteen years is located in the East sector this year. Those whose main door is located here can expect wealth, fame and prestige to visit them. Even if the door is not located here, you can still activate it by putting a water feature or aquarium in the East. It brings good fortune. However, one must not put green coloured objects or plants in this sector as that may result in loss of wealth. Instead place, objects which are red, orange or purple here to help enhance the luck here.

1 comment:

spring said...

I would love to purchase this paper, however I live in Wisconsin USA and cant find it, also on the net I have searched. Any advice? This is a great paper. thanks. spring.