Saturday 24 May 2008


When I learnt Feng Shui from my teacher, she told me that 20 % of our luck is from destiny, 20 % from Feng Shui, 20 % from action, 20 % from knowledge, 20 % from doing good deeds. Each of us will have a life map based on our day, time and year of birth. It is this map that can make you to be in the right place at the right time. If we are able to make use of the knowlege of Chinese astrology, feng shui and teachings, then it surely this will give us guidance and direction in life. Our Heaven Luck or luck from destiny is 20 %. However, most of it has been mapped out and there is not much we can do to alter it. However, there is another 80 % which we can manipulate. We can always harness the energy of the wind and water to our benefit if we know a thing or two about Feng Shui. Similarly, the other 60 % comprising of our actions, knowledge and good deeds are very much dependant on us.
So don't we ever blame everything on destiny as it is only 20% of the whole. The other 80% is all up to us. We are the captains of our our fate. So if you want to succeed then go and get more knowledge, go learn Feng Shui (or hire an expert to do it for you) and do good deeds.

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