Thursday 22 May 2008


I had a persistent headache today. To make matters worse, the library asistant had to go attend to some official matters in the morning and I was left to mind the library (besides having to teach two classes) for a good part of the day. Thank goodness another library teacher came a bit later to relief me for a while and I could go to the Herb Garden to examine the wooden structure of our Reading Hut which is infested with mites. I later got the gardener to spray insecticide on it. At around 1.10 p.m., one teacher had wanted to bring his students to the library but I told him that I needed to close the place for a while as I needed to eat lunch at the school canteen. After that I had to open the library from 2.00 p.m. for my student Sharveen to come and help key in the data in the library management system. Sharveen who does not live in the hostel was staying back today as he had duty in the afternoon. He would later be joined by the other librarians who had gone back to eat, bathe and pray. When the library assistant came back in the afternoon and took control of the counter, I heaved a sigh of relief as I could concentrate on the filing system and also printing notes on the Foster School Program. Then at 2.30 p.m., the Data teacher and I wanted to discuss the SALC, wireless system and the ICT laboratory with our senior principal.
By 4.30 p.m I had to really call it a day as the painkillers I took for the headache was taking its toll on me and I told myself that I had to relax a bit and invited my friend, Puan Kamariah and her daughter Nurin to go with me for a meal. Yeah, my good friend, Tuan Haji Hasnin keeps telling me that I am not young anymore and should take care of myself and not fall sick. I was told to eat proper meals and not to overwork. I have a tendency to get migraines if I do not have enough sleep or am very tensed.
One thing that helps me relax is by being with little children. During the weekends, I have my nephew and niece to play with but during week days, I have to borrow Puan Kamariah's Nurin to act as a stress buster. Besides, haven't you notice that very young children have a very nice smell about them? I especially like cuddling and kissing my little niece and nephew, Jamie and James after their baths. I am sure all of you would agree with me, right?

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