Friday 23 May 2008


The 2008 American Idol has been announced and it is David Cook winning by a landslide vote of 12 million. I just watched the finals between the two Davids and agreed with Simon Cowell that Archeleta was the better performer and should deservedly have been voted the Idol of America. But the American public thought otherwise.

Could this again be because of astrological conflict? You see, David Archeleta who was born in 1990 belongs to the Horse Zodiac which is in direct conflict with the Grand Duke Jupiter this year. According to the annual forecast for the year of the Rat which happens to be the conflicting sign for the Horse, there will be numerous unforeseen challenges impeding the progress of the Horse. Ventures that he undertakes will not progress smoothly. Big on talent though he is and (in my opinion) possessing the better vocals he still lost to rocker, Cook. David Cook who was born in 1982, the year of the Dog. According to the predictions for 2008, the Dog's luck is rather good this year. He has lucky stars shining on him. Whatever he plans will succeed and obstacles will vanish naturally. His hard work will be acknowledged and complimented by others. And that is why Cook truimphed over Archeleta. Anyway it is my take of the outcome of the competition.

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