Sunday, 16 March 2008


There is a superstition that three persons should not pose for a picture. If not bad luck will befall them. But I am sure that the world over there will be millions of pictures of only three people in them and if for every picture taken, bad things were to happen to those people, then there wouldn't be much people left.
In my family's case, my parents only have three children, all daughters. The above picture, which was taken last Tuesday, shows me with my two sisters, Li Lian and Li Mei. As far as I could remember, my dad took countless shots of the three of us together. Also, some of my friends and relatives also have three children or there are only three members in their families. So, I think one doesn't really have too worry too much about the number of people in a picture.
What would be cause for worry is that if two persons were posing for a photograph but when it is processed, a third "person" appears in the picture. Get it???

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