Sunday, 16 March 2008


If one finds that ones luck hasn't been really good lately and travelling to another country or to any one of the islands in Malaysia is rather difficult then try taking a saltwater bath to get rid of the "sial" or bad luck.
In Feng Shui and Vaasthu Sastra, salt is used in many cleansing rituals and to ward off evil. If you live near the sea, just go there for a swim or a dip to get rid of the negative energy. If you do not live near the sea, then you can always prepare a salt bath using sea salt.
How? Simply, add natural rock salt in a pail of hot water and stir it to a saturated level. When the water is warm or not so hot, you can take a bath with the water (brine) and make sure all parts of the body get washed with it. Also, when bathing try to close your eyes and imagine that you are forcing all the "bad" stuff out from you. Sort of asking the negative energies to leave your body and go else where. If it still does not work, then you might have to consider taking the trip!

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