Saturday, 15 March 2008


Open any newspaper this weekend and we will be greeted with advertisements about the MATTA travel fair being held in several venues in Malaysia. The exhibitors at these fares are offering travel packages at discounted rates and many will go with the aim of getting the best travel bargains for 2008. From the above pictures, it is rather obvious that yours truly went to the fair at the Perak Indoor Stadium. Well, if you had read the post I did about new year resolutions, then you would know that I wish to travel abroad in 2008 and it would be all the better if I can get a bargain.
Let me share a feng shui tip about travelling with you. You see, whenever I seem to be having a spell of bad luck (where I keep losing lots of money, when members of my family and I are not in harmony, when I am always sick and generally when nothing seems to be going right for me), my godmother will tell me to go travel to some place where I need to cross a sea or an ocean. Since I live in Sitiawan, I just need to take the ferry to Pangkor Island. My godma says that it would be one way to "buang sial" or get rid of the bad luck that is hounding me. She says it would be even better if I could cross a sea or an ocean to another country where a time difference exists between the two countries. Why? I surfed the Internet and found out that this is because when one moves away (temporarily), the surrounding energy from the environment changes drastically. Perhaps, there are problems in the existing house in which one is not aware of. Besides that, going forward and backward in time between two countries also could alter ones luck.

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