Wednesday 19 December 2007


I got a call from my friend, Lai Yoong, this morning to join her and another friend to meet with Mr Moses Maniam and Ms Saundari of the Rumah Wawasan to finalise the details of a community project for their association. Unfortunately, I was held up with work in school and when I arrrived at the Home, both my friends had already left. Anyway, I stayed a while and chatted with Ms Saundari and some of the children. I found out that the idea for the home was actually mooted by the pastor of the CLC church that both Mr Moses and Ms Saundari attend. It was actually the pastor's vision to set up a home to help destitute and abandoned children and hence the name of the place, Vision Home or Rumah Wawasan in the Malay language. Both of them volunteered to help start the home in 1997. I was told that the children will be moving to a new building in Taman Samudera by 2009. It was nice talking with Ms Saundari and the children. I noticed that the younger children like to be hugged and they also liked to me to hold their hands or pet them. Well, before I left I made sure I hugged as many of the children as I could.
My friends, Lai Yoong and Sharon who are active members of the Lumut Division of Wanita MCA Taman Okid Branch have been planning to carry out a health and education project for the children of the Rumah Wawasan or Vision Home in Sitiawan. Their programme has been planned for Saturday, 29th December 2007. The programme they have planned for this day is as follows:
8.45 a.m. Arrival of members and guests

9.00 a.m. Arrival of Guest of Honour, The Hon. Dato' Kong Cho Ha

9.15 a.m. Welcoming speech by Chairperson, Madam Lee Soot Lan

9.25 a.m. Speech by Guest of Honour

9.45 a.m. Presentation of school uniforms to the children

10.00 a.m. Start of Health Screening

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