Friday 2 November 2007


I went to my friend's music shop this evening. I hadn't been there for a while since I was busy attending the library management course. I wanted to stock up on some DVD's for the holidays. I was actually looking for the K-drama, Coffee Prince No. 1 but ended up buying the DVD for Rain's concert in Seoul and the Japanese version of Hanazakarino Kimitachihe.
As usual whenever I am there I will spend some time chitchatting to my friend, Eric. We were talking about looking good and youthful and both of us agreed that if we think positively and think happy thoughts then we would look younger and better. In short, happiness is a state of mind. Don't you think so?
Oh! We were also talking about some lucky charms that would bring good luck to the wearer. I will write about it tomorrow as I need to complete some work now.

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