Tuesday 13 November 2007


I meet up with a few of my friends and colleagues from other schools or towns whenever we happen to attend the same meeting, course or seminar. So, I am delighted each time we happen to meet in the course of our work. Besides doing the jobs that we have been called to perform, we also take time to catch up on each others lives. Believe me it is really nice to meet your old friends after not having met each for some time.

Above are some of my friends who attended a meeting at PKG Sitiawan today with me today.

Let me introduce them:

  1. Miss Ooi and Mrs Loh. I have known Miss Ooi for about 10 years. I've known Mrs Loh since 1991 which means we've been friends for 17 years.

  2. Puan Theresa teaches in SMK Nan Hwa. I've known her for about 4 years.

  3. Mr Bala is a relatively new friend of mine. I've known him for about 3 years.
  4. Puan Thava, I've known for about 2 years.

  5. In the last picture, from left to right are Cikgu Wai Lin, Cikgu Tan, Cikgu Theresa and her daughter, Jasmine.

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