Sunday 5 August 2007


Yesterday, I attended a talk along with all the teachers and staff of my school. The talk was given by the assistant superintendant of the Malaysian Anti Corruption Agency, En Radzi. For your information, he is more popularly known as "Abah" or the speaker with the guitar from ACA. Throughout the talk, one of the things that he kept on harping about was to value ones parents and not to do anything to make them sad or disappoint them as they have done so much for us. He was actually trying to put forth the message of not taking bribes as that would break the hearts of ones parents.
I agree with him a hundred percent as our parents are the people who love us the most and would stand by us through thick or thin. We must always remember that without our parents there would be no us. And that is why I make it a point to spend my weekends in Ipoh with my mum and my Aunt, Linda.
The lily plant that my mum planted has 8 blooms and she wanted me to snap photos of it as a momento. She hasn't been feeling too well as she has a very bad cough and was also suffering from breathing difficulties. That is why she doesn't look too happy in the pictures above.

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