Sunday 15 July 2007


This has been a very rainy weekend in Ipoh. It literally poured on Saturday evening and Sunday morning. It was still drizzling in the afternoon. Anyway, I am very happy if it rains. Personally, I like it because it is much cooler and the plants look fresher.
In Feng Shui terms, rain which is water makes up one of the five elements. The world we live in is an interconnected web of life where every element in nature interacts with each other. The elements act and react with each other as a whole to create and maintain qi (in feng shui qi is life force). An environment which is zapped with qi attracts many benefits and positive opportunities for the dwellers.
According to BaZi, my personal element is weak wood and the element I am lacking in is water. I need the water element to sustain me to make me stronger. Believe it or not! I always find that during the rainy season, my luck cycle tends to be better. When the weather is hot and dry, I always seem to be jinxed. As the past few months had been ridiculously hot and dry, I had setbacks after setbacks. Now that the rainy season is here, the water will provide moisture for this Wood person to grow and thrive.

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