Monday 2 July 2007


The picture above is of me and four other people who are fans of Wu Chun. How did all of us become his fans? Well, you would know that I became a fan by reading his blog. The boy, Fydo, who is my Form 5 student became a fan of his after he met him in Kuala Lumpur. The three little girls, who are all 12 years of age, became his fans after watching him act in the TV drama series Hanakarino Kimitachihe.
It is rather obvious that most probably Chun's Ba Zi or date and time of birth has the Peach Blossom Luck. I have already done a post about Peach Blossom Looks and he most definitely has it. People with such type of luck would have no problem having friends and fans. However, they too are not above being made use of or cheated by their friends. I am sure that even Wu Chun would have known people who were not genuine friends who had hurt him.
Gigie wrote and asked me if there are any Feng Shui activators for friends. Well, there are ways to make oneself more attractive and appealing using Feng Shui methods but it does not guarantee that the people one attract might be sincere and genuine in their intent to be our friends or life partners. So one must be extra careful in choosing those that can be classified under the friend category, those that should be only considered acquaintances and those that must be kept at bay. Also, based on our Chinese Zodiac signs there will be certain times and certain years in our lives where we are most susceptible to being robbed, cheated and betrayed. Gigie, believe me, you are not alone in having "friends" who have betrayed or cheated you. I too have been hurt by these so-called friends who were only out to make use of me. So I treasure those handful of friends that I have known over the course of more than ten years who have remained loyal and true to me. They are more precious than all the gems and gold in the world.
So, in all honesty, there is no feng shui activator for true friends. The best advice I can give anyone is to choose your friends carefully and do not be too trusting. Only time will tell if the friend you have is worthy of your friendship. Putting activators in certain areas of the house based on your Chinese horoscope will most probably get you lots of "friends" but there is no warranty that they will be sincere ones.

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