Sunday 24 June 2007


One visitor to this blog asked for advice on ways to free stress with co-workers. Well, I did go and ask my sifu and she said that there might be some negative energy around the working environment to cause such a stressful situation. One way is to do space clearing to cleanse the work place of negative energy and also any unwanted "beings" that might have found their way there. However, this might be quite difficult to do as it is a ritual that best be done by a sifu or a person who has experience doing it.
Another possibility could be that the position of the office could be located in the north-west sector. According to the flying stars chart for 2007, this inauspicious star brings about malefactors, arguments and gossip and is a most unwelcome star. Those residing or working in this sector would have a very stressful and tensed filled time. One way to suppress the ill effects of this star is to wear a lot of red while working in this area. Also try putting articles that are red in colour hear as the colour red is supposed to neutralize the potency of this star. Well, if the stressful situation is caused by this quarrelsome star then even if nothing is done, the situation will become better in another 7 months time when the green star number 3 occupies another sector.

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