Thursday 15 February 2024


 I planted these Nga Ku or Arrowroot bulbs about two weeks before the start of the Lunar New Year and they have grown.  My late Auntie May always made it a point to grow these Nga Ku plants on the 16th day of the 12th lunar month.  She told me that it is a good sign if they start to grow on the first few days of the new year.  This would signify a good and prosperous year ahead.

Since I planted them rather early, the Nga Ku plants started to grow just in time to welcome the new year.

The first day of the lunar New Year which falls on 10th February 2024 starts after the day of spring known as Lichun or Lap Chun (4th February 2024). Therefore, there is no Lichun this year. Feng Shui practitioners believe this is not too good for the year ahead. A year without Lichun is called 無春年(no spring year). 無春年is also known as 寡婦年(widow year) in northern China or 盲年 (blind year) in southern China. Marriage is believed to be unlucky in a year without Lichun. Also growth luck might not be too good during such a year.

What you need to do is to stimulate growth luck. How?  Get lots of pussy willow, nga ku, lime plants and other auspicious plants and place them in your home.

Thank goodness that my plants are growing well.  Yahoo!!!

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