Monday 20 February 2017


I had a bit of problem at home lately. The water heater wasn't working and the water tank was leaking. The water flow from the bathroom sink was very slow. And the switch for the socket for my computer was spoiled. Arggghhhhh!!! Worse of all, I had to wait a week until last Saturday to get the plumber and electrician to do the repairs as it would take some time. As I only reach home by 5.30 p.m, it would be rather late to get people to come to my place. So I had to take cold baths for a week. Finally I managed to get everything fixed by 4 p.m. on Saturday. Yahoo.

As a Feng Shui enthusiast, I believe that we should pay attention to the small things that are important to our everyday lives. If there are broken are damaged things in our homes and we do nothing about it, then there is an intention for neglect. So we need to act to get them repaired to set an intention to attract abundance.

In an article that I read on this matter, it states that, if anything in your house is broken or not working, then the recommendation is to Replace, Repair, or Remove it as soon as possible.

When you fix everything that is broken or not working in your home, you can fix what is broken in your life.

You can have your own personal feng shui audit by checking for things that are leaking, clogged, burned out, broken, or stuck. If they can be repaired then try to do it as soon as possible, In my case I had to schedule a date to get people to help me do the repairs.

Here are five quick fixes you can make where you will see an immediate, positive impact on your well-being:

1. If you have a broken mirror in your home, replace it, since it keeps you from seeing things clearly.

2. If a light bulb is burned out, change it, since it keeps you in the dark about your future.

3. If your kitchen faucet is leaking, fix it or call the plumber, since you are losing wealth and abundance.

4. If you have a dirty or faded front door, clean or repaint it, since a dirty door repels wealth but a clean door attracts prosperity.

5. If your windows are dirty, clean them, since clean windows represent a clear view of the opportunities coming your way.

Fix broken things in your home and you will remove whatever is blocking positive energy from entering your life.


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