Thursday 23 February 2017


Fresh flowers can be used to cleanse your seven chakras - getting rid of negative energy and inviting new fortune.
You will need at least seven different types of flowers, in as many colors as possible (any color but white). Remove any stems and leaves, you just need to flowers themselves.
Place the flowers in a basin of water and put it outside to soak in the sun for an hour. This allows the water to soak up the positive energy of the flowers.
Bring the basin to the bathroom and use a washcloth to bathe in the flower-energized water. As you bathe, concentrate on a patch of light emanating from the center of your forehead. Allow this light to spread all over your body.
When you have finished bathing, carefully collect the flowers, place them in a paper bag and dispose of them. Imagine your bad luck being thrown away with the flowers.

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