Thursday 1 October 2015


Three of my students helped me to count the number of prayer scarves that were donated by the lecturers, staff and students of the college for the Telekung Project which was carried out by the Resource Centre from 1st August until 30th September this year.
This project involves getting Muslim ladies to contribute prayer scarves or telekung (used or new).  These telekungs would then be washed by a team of volunteers who would also iron and do repairs if necessary before sending them to suraus in hospitals, mosques and other public areas with prayer rooms for ladies.  A total of 94 sets were collected. 14 sets were brand new.

The boys carried the telekung to my car after they did the counting and repacking. I later sent them to the dhobI to be washed and ironed. The proprietor is my student's mother and she will only be charging for the wash and not the service. She wanted to help as well.
In a couple of weeks' time, these telekungs will be handed over to my friend, Hajah Roziah who would send them to prayer rooms in public areas.  At the same time, they would take those that have been worn to be cleaned, ironed and repaired if there is a need.

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