Tuesday 28 October 2014


I simply loved this article from Feng Shui Dana on making a Wish Jar to amplify ones intentions.  Read this and give it a try.  I know I will making one myself soon.

Today’s fast feng shui is a simple tip to help you collect your wishes into one space and amplify your dreams: the wish jar. A wish jar is a great place to toss those wishes that pop into your head, no matter how big or how small, how fantastic or implausible they may seem. It is also a fabulous way to collect the intentions of a team, organization, family or couple in one place.

Take any jar and make a wish jar. Fill it with wishes. Decorate it as you see fit. Leave it spare and unlabeled if you prefer.

For yourself: Collect your wishes on scraps of paper. Put them in a jar. Keep them out of your head and cement them in the physical universe. Use different colored pens to write out your wishes in colors that are meaningful to you. (You can find feng shui color basics right HERE). This is an amazing way to not stay too “attached” to goals and wishes, by giving them their own place and space and focus. Every time you look at the wish jar, let it lift your spirits! Personal wish jars are great in bedrooms, on the desk in a home office or in a meditative sanctuary space.

In groups: I love the idea of the collective intention being stronger than the intention of a single person, and I believe that to be true. If you can corral the wishes of a group and display them somewhere in public (like your living room, the lounge of an office) and encourage more wishes, you will stay in the flow of universal wish fulfillment.

May all your wishes come true!

SOURCE: http://www.fengshuidana.com/2013/09/10/fast-feng-shui-make-a-wish-jar/

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