Thursday 9 October 2014


Prediction & outlook of your Health, Wealth, Love and Career luck in the year of Sheep 2015.
Chinese Astrology 2015 for the Year of the Wood Horse


The year 2015 is the Year of the Sheep, whose chart appears to be well-balanced, and not nearly as fierce as 2014. The Sheep is calm by nature and if we tune into its energy diplomacy, rather than anger or force, will rule. As the New Year begins, make a pact with yourself to be more kind and patient with others.

All five worldly elements – Wood, Water, Earth, Fire and Metal – appear in the Paht Chee chart for the year and a healthy mixture of two Yin and two Yang pillars adds to the stability of energy in the world.

Personal relationships should improve and even weather patterns should be less severe in 2015, creating positive energy around the world. The year looks to be more peaceful, less full of conflict and more forthcoming with good fortune luck.

There are several reasons to hope for improvement this year, and doing our best should come easier. Strong opportunities abound to make plans and lay out strategies, bringing about increased well-being and changes for people in business or commerce.

However, the news is not all good. The feng shui chart for 2015 shows the hostility star threatening to dominate, bringing with it a feeling of mistrust and misunderstandings, especially in relationship luck, where couples may experience a rocky road at times.

Though some individual animal signs will excel in 2015, overall the luck for each sign will be somewhat weaker. It will be crucial to call upon your inner strength and remain confident and positive in nature since this will affect your success for the year. Those who stay strong and determined will have a much better chance of emerging victorious now.


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