Sunday 21 September 2014


"Feng Shui’s Five Critical Wealth Corners"

by Kathryn Weber

The southeast is the corner most often associated with wealth in feng shui. This is the primary wealth sector in any home. But did you know there are other wealth corners that you could be overlooking that are also critical to your prosperity?

When each is activated and enhanced, you have compounding feng shui that benefits everyone in the family in a variety of ways.

For instance, did you know there are different kinds of abundance and wealth?

There is generating money, like you get from your job such as a salary, there is accumulated wealth, the kind you have in the bank or investments, and there is depleting wealth which is the kind of money associated with bills and demands.

Only applying effort and enhancements to the southeast wealth corner is short-sighted.

Thorough feng shui takes into account energizing all of the corners for the various ways you can earn money – through associates and benefactors, to your career and business opportunities, from good relationships with others, and from good returns on investments you have.

There are other wealth-influencing considerations besides these, such as the front door area, but when I go to a feng shui consultation, these are the top five sectors I examine to get a good picture of the monetary health of the household.

Primary wealth location

1. Southeast/Wealth Sector

This sector is most associated with accumulated wealth rather than earning ability through a job, for example. Accumulated wealth means savings accounts, retirement or investments accounts, not salary. If you have a bedroom, dining room, front door, bedroom or office in the southeast, count yourself lucky! Be sure to activate it.

Problems in this sector would arise as difficulty to generate wealth, get a raise, or accumulate savings income. Money will fly in and out of the house. Problems with expenses continue and seem to occur non-stop. There is an inability to make your investments pay off or the ability to gain financial traction.

Afflictions to this sector include:Annual afflictions, bathrooms, fireplace, toilets, laundry rooms and kitchens in this area or a missing corner. The most serious of the afflictions include a fireplace and kitchen in this location. Activate this area with water or a fountain.

Secondary wealth locations

2. North/Career Sector

Problems in this area create problems at work, and in particular, difficulty making money. You are unable to generate interest in your job and your workplace is difficult. You may find that you are unable to get recognition for your position or the work you do. A boss may disregard you or be difficult. Others will be selected for positions over you even if you are more experienced or talented.

Difficulties in this area will present themselves as stagnant income growth and business opportunities. If job hunting, positions will be hard to find, salary is stagnant or you’re unable to increase your earnings.

Afflictions to this sector include: Annual afflictions, bathrooms, fireplace, toilets, laundry rooms, trees, plants, large wood objects and kitchens in this area or a missing corner. Activate this area with moving metal to get the energy going to help you make more money.

3. Northwest/Helpful People, Patriarch and Heaven Sector

This is a very important sector in feng shui. This is the ultimate “yang” sector. It represents the man or patriarch. This sector also represents the heaven energy that comes from people in a position to help us. This is one of the critical areas of feng shui. When this is positively aspected, you will have people who help you and who make introductions for you.

When the northwest corner is afflicted, you will find that the going is tough, long, and alone. People don’t come to your aid, bosses are belligerent, no one wants to help you, and you can’t get the attention of superiors.

Afflictions to this sector include: Annual afflictions, bathrooms, fireplace, toilets, laundry rooms and kitchens in this area. The most serious of the afflictions are a fireplace or kitchen or a missing corner. Activate this area with moving metal to stimulate the northwest energy.

4. Southwest/Women, Matriarch, Marriage, Indirect spirit

This is the second most important sector in feng shui behind the northwest corner. That’s because this represents the home’s “yin” energy. Remember, everything comes from nothing. A house must have people in it and the energy of love and relationships. This sector is also very important if the woman is the breadwinner or a business owner or is a career woman.

Until 2024, this is also the direction of the “indirect spirit.” That means that direct energy comes from the northeast and because the southwest is opposite the northeast, the direction is called the indirect spirit direction. The indirect spirit is also a secondary wealth location that benefits by the addition of WATER, such as a pool, fountain, fish tank or pond.

Afflictions to this sector include: Annual afflictions, bathrooms, fireplace, toilets, laundry rooms and kitchens in this area. The most serious of the afflictions are a bathroom or a missing corner. To activate, add water and lighting. Both will help the income of the marriage and the financial prospects of the woman of the house.

5. Center/Heavenly Heart Palace, health, wealth, relationships

This sector is the heart and backbone of your home. Afflictions in this area show up as problems with health, relationships, and money. Everything suffers when this area is afflicted. All who live in the house with an afflicted center sector suffer in one way or another. Along with the southwest and northwest, this is the third area that must be protected. When this area has a living room, bedroom, or dining room, it benefits most.

Afflictions to this sector include: Annual afflictions, bathrooms, fireplace, toilets, laundry rooms and kitchens in this area. The most serious of the afflictions are a bathroom, an open center, plants or trees in the center or if the center is missing. Lighting is one of the best ways to activate this sector and helps lift the chi of the whole house!

Don’t overlook the four other wealth sectors in favor of only activating the southeast wealth sector. These each have a bearing on your wealth, though each in a different way.


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