Friday 23 May 2014


I made Herbal Jelly or Guiling Gao last night. It was my first attempt. Usually my friend Swee Sian makes it for me and Lai Yoong. It is actually quite easy to make, just buy the Guiling Gao powder from the Chinese medicine shop, dissolve it in cold water and then add hot water.
Guiling Gao when translated into English means Tortoise Jelly.Regular Guiling Gao jelly is black in appearance; however, the actual colour is more of a dark brown. Naturally, it is not sweet, but slightly bitter, although sweeteners such as honey can be added to make it more palatable.
This Guilin Gao does not contain any tortoise but only herbs. If it were really made from tortoise, it wouldn't cost only RM4 for a box containing 10 packets of powder.
What are the benefits of the gui ling gao? It helps to reduce acne, whereby you will have a smooth skin complexion. My boys Aiman and Vasan would love this. If you are heaty, gui ling gao helps to cool you down.

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