Wednesday 16 April 2014


Being descended from peranakan or straits born grandparents, I have a great love for \peranakan cuisine. For those of you who have no idea what peranakan cuisine is, let me enlighten you on it. Peranakan or Nonya cooking is the result of blending Chinese ingredients with various distinct spices and cooking techniques used by the Malay/Indonesian community. An example of Nyonya specialities is the otak-otak (on the left the plate, next to the fork), a popular blend of fish, coconut milk, chilli paste, galangal, and herbs wrapped in a banana leaf.  Pandan rice is another popular nyonya dish.  The green vegetable on the plate is sayur manis or sweet leaves cooked with eggs.
Unfortunately for me, I am not that cook at cooking peranakan cuisine as I learned to cook from my late father and my late Aunt May.  Both of whom are Cantonese.  My mum knew how to cook the nyonya dishes but then the food she cooked for her family were mostly Cantonese cuisine.

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