Thursday 10 April 2014


If you say rice noodle roll, no one here, be they Chinese, Indian or Malay, in Malaysia would understand what you were talking about.  But if you say chee cheong fun then it will certainly ring a bell.  My friend, Daniel loves it and whenever his mum goes back to Ipoh, she will buy it for him from a halal stall near their home.
My favourite chee cheong fun stall can be found at the Kampung Simee Wet Market.  Mind you, this parti

cular stall was even featured in a Food Programme on Malaysian TV.

The rice noodles or chee cheong fun here is extra smooth. I like mine served hot and fresh, accompanied with a splash of fried shallot oil and aroma with a generous amount of warm sweet soy sauce plus sweet soy sauce and thim cheong (sweet sauce).

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