Thursday 17 April 2014


 April 17 is the day I made my entrance into this world. For many years I have celebrated it with members of my family. Unfortunately both my parents have crossed over to the other world and both my sisters live in KL and Singapore with their families.
However I am not complaining but am instead counting my blessings. Thank you to the Almighty in Heaven for blessing me with wonderful friends and students who have made this day a very special one for me.
In the morning, Hajah Kamariah cooked Nasi Kunyit and Rendang Chicken with lots of potatoes for me. Buzz fashioned a cake from yellow glutinous rice for me. I had requested for Pulut Kuning or Nasi Kunyit 黃薑飯 for my birthday as my peranakan (Malayan Straits born) ancestors like serving this with curry chicken for birthdays, especially the first moon birthday. Furthermore I love this dish. My late mother would make Hokkien Birthday Noodles for me. I did learn to make the dish but my sister Li Mei does it better. Perhaps I would ask her to make it for me next year.

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