Saturday 19 April 2014


"6 Feng Shui Ways to AVOID Success"

by Kathryn Weber

Success is often elusive and yet we wonder and study how people become successful. For some success is merely tied to a financial figure. For others, success is fame, a certain dress size or material possessions. Yet, for others, success represents a rounded and balanced life.

But regardless of what your definition of success may be, there are actual habits and skills that will keep you from being successful. Interestingly, while it’s helpful to see what successful people do, it’s also as helpful and perhaps more so to study what keeps someone unsuccessful.

1. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Everyone has fears. The problem is when those fears become paralyzing and keep you from acting. This is what you must examine. What’s holding you back? Sometimes fear of success is more powerful than failure…maybe you’re afraid you’re going to do great? Step out and do that thing that you’re afraid of. Many women I know are afraid of technology. If you have a business, you can’t afford to be a technophobe. Jump in – you can’t break the Internet!

2. Never acknowledge your accomplishments.
Do you wrap up every single day mentally listing everything that you didn't get done? Tonight instead of counting what you didn't do, tally up your accomplishments and all that you DID do in the day. Can't remember it? Make a "To Done" list and write all you accomplish with a line through each item. At New Year's, write out a list at New Year’s of all that you accomplished in the past twelve months. You’ll be surprised at how quickly it adds up — and you’ll feel pretty terrific, too!

3. Avoid getting advice.
If you have a “go it alone” attitude then you’re going to lag behind. Go and seek out advice. Coaching clients are often afraid of spending the money for advice. Instead of looking at the cost, look at what it’s worth. Seek out mentors and advisers who can help you move past problems, issues, concerns and business hurdles. Get help; you don’t get extra points for toughing it out.

4. Do it all yourself.
You don’t have to everything yourself. Really. You don’t. Build yourself a team. Get supporters and teammates to help you with everything from personal coaching, business advice, health or exercise personal training, housekeepers and errand runners. You aren’t an island and doing more doesn’t always add up to doing better.

5. Don’t take advice.
This is a good one. Make sure you blow off the critiques and helpful advice that you seek out or even pay for so you can stay right where you are. That’s a sure way of staying trapped. Instead, be open and willing to hear what’s being said and then put it into effect. Remember that famous Seinfeld episode where George, the perennial loser, experienced phenomenal success just by doing the opposite of what he would normally do? There’s a wisdom in that, you know.

6. Pay no attention to your surroundings.
Your environment either supports or suppresses you, and if you’re surrounded by broken, unattractive, cluttered or negative environs, it’s going to take a toll on your health, your life, your bank account and your career. Get “your house in order” and you will see your life follow suit.


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