Sunday 1 December 2013


A man was selling Feng Shui wallets when I visited the Pasar Khamis in Kampung Koh.  This is what can be termed as sort of a Farmer's Market meet Night Market.
The person who was selling the wallets requested that I remove the picture with him that I had taken.  He said that I could take the poster and the wallets but not him. His reason.  His Aura is very powerful and if I have it in my camera, I might be affected.  Anyway, I removed it not out of fear of his powerful aura but because of his request.
According to the man, different persons need to use different coloured wallets based on their Chinese astrology signs.  As an example, a person born in the year of the horse is of the fire element  and his lucky colours are red, purple, green.  Colours to avoid are blue, black, white, silver or gold.  If you know how to read Chinese, you can refer to the chart above for which wallet colours are most auspicious for you.
I saw a lady buying a wallet for her daughter for RM23 after consulting the man.

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