Thursday 19 December 2013


 As promised I will start sharing with you the notes that I wrote down during Jason Eng's Feng Shui Spectacular on December 15, 2013. I will begin with the Annual Update for the first of the 12 Chinese Animal Signs, the Horse.  Before I forget, Jason's Talk was in Cantonese but I did my notes in English.
The general outlook for the horse is good.  Those who belong to this sign have lots of prosperity luck and their relationship luck is fruitful.  They enjoy what is called a 3/8 Ho Tu.  In Feng Shui terms this is good.  However, they clash with Tai Sui or the Grand Duke Jupiter.  The Three Killings is also present.  So they need to be careful.  Also, their success luck and Life Force are low.
Their best months for the year are April, June, August 2014 and January 2015.  Their bad months are July and September.
 In this second slide, you have the specific luck elements of the Horse for 2014.

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