Tuesday 12 November 2013


Can washing your face with Listerine help acne?

The answer is that it can. Listerine helps with bad breath because it contains bacteria-fighting agents. Therefore, by washing the face thoroughly and applying Listerine to a cotton ball and dabbing it on the face will help acne. Leave the Listerine on the face for about ten minutes after dabbing it on. Once the face is no longer tingling from the Listerine, thoroughly rinse. Make sure that original, not flavored, Listerine is used.

Again, it is the bacteria-fighting agents in the mouthwash that helps get rid of an outbreak of acne. It does not cure the actual cause of the acne.

- See more at: http://getridofacnehelp.com/how-to-get-rid-of-acne-on-face/#sthash.l8gMztbd.dpuf

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