Wednesday 6 November 2013


 I am a fan of Superhero movies but I have a problem.  You see, most of the people around me are not interested in going to the cinemas to watch movies of this genre.  Lai Yoong once went with me to watch Avengers and said that was the last time she watched such a movie.  All the action and the sci-fi made her dizzy.  I had to watch Ironman 3 on my own as no one was interested.
As Thor 2 premiered last Thursday, I was trying to get someone to go watch it with me.  Finally I managed to get Baz to go with me.  She too liked watching such superhero movies and also had trouble getting her family and friends to watch with her.
To be really honest, the main reason I wanted to watch Thor 2 so badly was because of Tom Hiddleston. I liked his portrayal of Loki in Avengers and was again looking forward to watching him again.  I have this thing for actors who have great stage presence.  And he did not disappoint, the character Loki stole the show.  Actually Chirs Hemsworth who takes on the titular role of Thor does a good job but he does not possess the acting chops nor the charisma of Hiddleston. In my opinion, the whole movie was quite interesting.  I especially like the scenes with the two brothers and also the one with Eric, the scientist.

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