Wednesday 20 November 2013


I have the dogs of my neighbours to thank for the ground covering plants on the island outside my house.  Why? Before I planted them, the neighbours' male dogs would use this small piece of land as their toilet.  Yeah!  The male dogs would urinate on the tree trunk and also poo on the area. It got so bad that the place became very smelly. I had to clear up the poo and also use a lot of water to rid the area of the smell of urine. Finally I got fed-up and decided to grow plants there.  If the neighbours still brought their dogs to do their business there, I was going to plant cacti.  Thank goodness I didn't need to resort to that as they decided to do their dirty business elsewhere.
Likewise I had to put all the potted plants on top of my shoe racks as the cats came and urinated on top of them.  At one point their urine seeped into the racks and dripped on to my shoes.  Since I started putting the plants there, my racks are not smelly any more.
Furthermore, my compound looks much prettier. So I really got to thank the cats and dogs for that.

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