Tuesday 29 October 2013


Feng Shui for Senior Citizens

When studying and practicing feng shui principles, it's important to remember that they can be helpful to people of all ages. From the time a person is a tiny baby right up to the time when they are an elderly senior citizen, feng shui can be used to enhance and enrich a person's level of positive energy. One only needs to look to China to see plenty of elderly people enjoying the positive and highly beneficial effects of feng shui If you or someone you know is a senior citizen, here are some great feng shui tips that can be beneficial.

The Benefits of Removing Clutter

Clutter can often be a problem in the homes of senior citizens. With a full lifetime of possessions, it can often be difficult for an elderly person to keep things organized and tidy. Not only is clutter very detrimental to positive chi energy in the home, but it can also be quite dangerous to one's personal health. For example, if a elderly person has lost some of their mobility, or at least is a little less agile than they were in their younger years, piles of clutter could cause tripping hazards. Cluttered surroundings can also help to create a negative mental attitude, or even depression, which can be a serious problem for many senior citizens. Especially if a person lives alone, it is important to create an atmosphere that inspires happiness, creativity, and positive personal energy. Sometimes simply helping them clean their home and clear out the clutter can be the most beneficial thing you can do for an elderly person

Enhancing the Home's Healthful Aspects

There can also be many negative health aspects to an unclean house. For example, too much dust, mold, mildew or dampness in the home can cause disease. Simply opening the windows can be a great way of increasing the flow of positive chi energy throughout the house, in addition to keeping the air fresh and healthful. If an elderly person finds it difficult to clean and do housework, getting some assistance in this area can be the most positive approach to take.

Reducing "Yin" Energy

It's quite common for the homes of senior citizens to simply become too "yin." This can happen for a number of reasons, including keeping the house too dark, keeping the temperature too cold, having too much dampness, or not enough air circulation. These situations sometimes occur because an elderly person is on a limited income, and is trying to save money. However, when a person's living space becomes too "yin," it can have a very detrimental effect on their health and level of personal happiness. Instead, try to bring life and positive energy into the home. Using lighter colored curtains, opening windows whenever possible, and adding live plants can help to create a better balance of Yin and Yang within the home. Adding a water element to the home, such as a tranquil water fountain or a relaxing fish aquarium, can also be a great idea for senior citizens.

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