Tuesday 29 October 2013


Here are some common Feng Shui taboos.

  • Do not live near a church, hospital, graveyard, funeral home, school, brothel, dump sites or near government offices. These places are filled with yin energy.
  • The size of your house should not be irregular.
  • Do not live in house that is taller or smaller than neighbouring houses. It should be the same size as your neighbours.
  • Do not live in home that is located at dead end road or a straight road running directly towards your house (T-junction road).
  • Do not live in units directly over a garage (i.e. second floor units).
  • Do not locate your bed facing toilet and toilets must not be seen from the entrance.
  • Main stairs must not be facing the front door/entrance as qi does not circulate properly. However, if the door is about 12-15 feet away from the stairs, then it is alright.
  • Your front door must not directly face your back door as qi that comes in to your front door goes directly out of your back door...qi did not circulate the house properly.
  • There must not be tree or post blocking your front door view. Again, if the tree or post is about 20 feet away then it is alright.
  • Do not have blue color for your roof as blue is represented by water element. It means that there is always water above your head. This could lead to financial problems.
  • You must not sleep nor have your stove under an exposed beam. However, the higher the exposed beams the less damaging they are.

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