Thursday 31 October 2013


"Feng Shui Cures for Wealth Corner 
Afflictions" by Kathryn Weber

If you're tired of money coming in and then flowing right out, you could have an affliction in your wealth corner. In feng shui, the wealth corner is associated with the southeast corner of your home where wealth accrues -- and if you need a cure for financial problems, you're not alone.

The southeast corner represents accumulated assets, such as savings accounts, stock accounts, 401Ks and other kind of material and financial assets. Often, this is the sector associated with generating income, but it's not - it represents the amount of money you are able to retain and build.

Building wealth requires generating wealth.

Before boosting your wealth sector, it's vital to pay attention to your generating income sector, which is the north sector of business and career opportunity and income from those activities.

This sector brings about opportunities to get ahead in your career and business, and the resulting income boost that usually comes with that. Once you've tapped this area sufficiently and you're bringing in money and your income is stable, then it's time to acquire and accumulate assets.

Too often we get into a cycle of spending and think there is absolutely no room in our budgets to begin saving. But, that's often not true. Getting into the habit of putting even a small amount away to accumulate for you is enough to get your personal financial energy pattern to change from simply being a "pass through" (money in, money out) to a financial pattern of accumulation. Over a short period of time, money will begin to accrue.

Now, there can be blocks to your ability accumulate money and retain some of what you work so hard for.

Most often this is due to an affliction in your wealth sector, or the southeast corner of your home. This corner is represented by a small green leaf, or small wood element. It represents the "potential" of financial growth, or ripening chi.

The things that can harm your wealth sector and your ability to hold on to money so you can take trips, build for a retirement, save for a child's college education or just have a cushion of savings, can range.

Typical problems with the southeast wealth sector include:

--A fireplace or furnace
--Air conditioning condensing fans
--Kitchen or stove
--Toilet, sink or laundry room

So how do you handle these problems if you have them in your wealth sector?

It's hard to rip out and relocate a kitchen (or move your A/C fans). But you can make some changes to your kitchen that will help. So, for example, if your affliction is a fireplace, it's important to dampen the effects of the fire that burn up the wood energy of the southeast - and drain your ability to accumulate money.

Painting your fireplace black, adding a black surround or using earth elements around it, like a stone or brick surround, will help to dampen the effects of fire on your wealth sector. Why? Because earth and water are the two ways we put our a fire. This is also true in your kitchen. If you have a stove located here, using yellow (earth) in the kitchen or blue and black colors (water) will also help to dampen the effects of "burning" through money.

If the problem in your wealth sector is a toilet, then using fire here will actually be helpful.

Contrary to what you might read elsewhere, it's never a good idea to harmonize a sector when there's a bathroom there, and in the southeast, that means it's not a good idea to place plants in the bathroom or paint it a green color. This will only make you run through money even faster. Instead, paint it a fire color (pink, red, orange) to exhaust the bathroom's drain on your finances. It sounds counter intuitive, but this is the rule for bathrooms - exhaust the energy rather than activate it.

Another very important key to overcoming an affliction to your southeast wealth corner is to activate the southeast corner in your living room.

There's not much we can do about the way our home is arranged, but we can activate the corners of the afflicted sectors in our living room. So, placing a healthy plant in the wealth corner is an excellent way to stimulate your ability to save money and grow your assets.

You can also add a fountain here to feed the wood energy. After all, we all know that water makes plants g-r-o-w. Money works the same way: water is wealth. Plus water is an excellent cure if you have those pesky AC condensing fans on the SE corner of your home. Yet another fun feng shui secret to is shine a green light in this cornerto stimulate more growth.

Just because you have an affliction in your wealth corner doesn't mean you're doomed to spend money and never get ahead financially. With a few smart changes and activating the wealth corner of your living room, you might just start to see those savings grow!


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