Saturday 28 September 2013


I really marvel at how some people would go to all lengths to have a vegetable plot eventhough they live at terrace houses with cemented porches.
Look at the mini garden done by someone whose house is across the road to an empty strip of land.  The person built a trellis and planted curry leaves, bitter gourd, basil, Sabah Snake Grass, long beans, lady's fingers and other types of herbs.  Bravo!
Actually at the rate the prices of things are going up, I think many will follow suit to lower their living expenses.


bao said...

the herb at the foreground has tiny white along its stems. It reproduces very readily via seed dispersion and is very hardy. Its name in Chinese is 石 shi 花 hua 草 cao, or in Cantonese 'Sek Fah Cho' - 'stone flower herb'. This was told to me by a chap in KL who has keen interest in healing with herbs. This sek fah cho is boiled into a tea for treating kidney stones. When I visited him to collect some herb samples he told me a Punjabi chap with kidney stones came few days earlier for the herbs and he managed to expel with tea made from the herbs. I was told to boil a handful of it, and drink the tea twice a day. PLease check with your friend for his advice and to verify what I have been told.
Thank you.

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Keep up the good work, many of your articles are interesting.
CH Lee/Baowie
Please keep the end part confidential. Thank you.

Miss Cheah said...

Thank you.