Sunday 28 July 2013


Royal baby: Prince of Cambridge 'will share Princess Diana's characteristics'
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's baby son and Britain's future King will share many of his late grandmother Princess Diana's populist characteristics, according to Indian astrologers and numerologists.

By Dean Nelson, New Delhi

3:43PM BST 24 Jul 2013

The royal baby will grow up, like Diana, to be widely popular, particularly in India, with which he apparently has a "karmic connection".

The predictions were published on Wednesday in the Times of India, India's highest circulation English language daily newspaper, from its own astrologer Anupam V Kapil.

Astrology and numerology are revered "sciences" in India, where businesses, weddings and, it is rumoured, occasionally government initiatives, are timed for "auspicious" dates.

The royal baby's "karmic connection" with India is based on his "master number" – the sum of the numbers in his birth date – matching the sum of the date of India's independence.

"His karmic number is 8, sum total of his birthday 22/07/2013, which adds up to 2 + 2 +7+ 2 + 0 + 1 + 3 = 17," he explained.

The two digits in 17 add up to 8, identical to the total in the date of India's Independence Day on August 15th 1947 (8 + 1 + 5 +1 + 9 +4 + 7 = 35: 3 + 5 = 8).

"Number 8 is the royal baby's karmic number. One can say that he'll have a karmic connection with India," Mr Kapil said.

Princess Diana was popularly received in India when she visited with the Prince of Wales in 1992 and the introduction of her blood line into the Windsor royal family means Britain's next two Kings will have Indian ancestry. Last month researchers established that the Duke of Cambridge's great, great, great, great, great grandmother on his mother's side had an Anglo-Indian mother from Surat who wrote to her in Gujarati.

The royal baby will grow into an emotional and secretive adult but "like his mother Kate and grandmother Diana, he would also be popular with the masses due to Venus occupying his career house, " Mr Kapil predicted, the paper said.

"He might invite enemies as he might be undiplomatic. He is also likely to be misunderstood in his personal relationships with the opposite sex, like his grandmother Diana, who was also a Cancerian," he added.

Chinese astrologers said the prince should live near trees to counteract the possibility of turbulence in his private life.

Hong Kong based astrologer Mak Ling-ling said he would be a headstrong, a 'big hit with the ladies' and find relationships overseas.

Au Chung-tak, a Hong Kong feng shui expert said the baby will have strong 'earth' characteristics. "If he wants to be stable (in marriage) he must not live close to water. Instead, he should live by the trees," he told the news agency AFP.

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